
You have been cordially summoned to attend Warpath's inaugural "SECRET RAVE". In a place away from the eyes of the ordinary, we will gather, for a true D.I.Y experience like no other.

We will be featuring many of our classic Warpath lineup. As well as the addition of multiple bands such as local 04HC legends Lucre and indie scene legends Wallflower.

But first we must discuss the nature as to why this is a "secret rave" and has been advertised in this means as apposed to our usual.

First going, although we will have a multitude of members from the Warpath crew available at all times, in order to save future stress for us and yourselves we must keep the talk of this lowkey to ensure only good cunts pull through to this event, with no fuckwits to cause mayhem.

Secondly, we must all ensure upmost respect of the venue. The venue we will be occupying is a peculier space compared to most others in Te Whanganui-a-Tara so we all must do what we can to ensure that this place keeps running. To do this we must respect the environment, and peoples space; as well as keep traffic outside of the venue to a minimum. We will have a smokers area located somewhere in the venue, so don't hang around out front.

Third. As mentioned briefly before, we must all respect eachother's, and the artists/workers space and boundaries. This venue isn't the largest, so we must all aim to be vigilint in this.

Fourth. Show some P.L.U.R (Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect) to your fellow ravers/attendees.

Finally, this is both a ticketed and 18+ event. We will have doormen on the night and they will be accepting cash sales as well as checking IDs. Again we will have our Warpath crew on deck at all times, so if you ever feel uncomfortable, please reach out

P.S There will likely be hardcore moshing at points during Lucre and Deahtrippa so we reccomend exitting the "pit" when they come on if you are not keen on that.

P.P.S There will also be Kandi bracelets available for trade, so bring some if you can!!!!

Clicking the sign button below will take you to our Discord where we will continue to make announcements for the show coming forward.